I learned a new word at church last Sunday. Actually, I had heard the word before because it is the name of a local Christian School. I just didn't know what it meant until our Pastor told us last week.
The word is Maranatha! It is an Aramic word that means "O Lord Come" or "Our Lord Come".
I love the sound of this word and have found myself saying it a lot this week. "Maranatha LORD, Maranatha!" My kids respond by rolling their eyes and saying, "Oh Mom, you are so dramatic!" HA! If that isn' t the pots calling the kettle black!
Anyway, I am keeping this verse nearby. With school getting ready to start, sports in full swing and the state of our world right now I have a feeling I will be saying it quite often. Just in case Jesus wants my opinion on the matter....... "Maranatha, Lord, Maranatha"!!
Be sure to see the other beautiful WFW offerings at 160 Acre Wood!
These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things....
1 year ago
Too funny. You have echoed my thoughts exactly. Maranatha! We are smack in the middle of football season for two boys and the start up of school just around the corner...but MY school doesn't start till after Labor Day...then again it is MY school...guess that means I am in charge of lesson plans...Maranatha! LOL!
This is so very beautiful, bless you.
Could it be that you were given that word so that you might consider Maranatha Academy for your daughter's upcoming school year? Just a thought.
Boy, do I need that!! Maranatha!
I had no idea of the meaning. When I was in college, there was a group of folks who attended a small college church called Maranatha. These students were known for standing on a brige on campus and telling--actually shouting--you that you were going to hell if you didn't listen to them and attend their church!! I obviously avoided the bridge!!!It was such a negative experience!
But now, you have turned it into a blessing--after over 20 plus years!! Thank you, sweet friend! It's now a positive thought in my little head!!
Love ya,
I LOVE it!! I've heard the word "Marantha" before too, but never knew what it meant!
I will DEFINITELY be sharing this with my family today!
And I'm right with 'ya sista! Marantha Lord, Marantha! AMEN!!!
Bless you dear sister,
It sounds so peaceful and filled with grace!
Thank you Kelley...I will be saying it out here in the Northwest today!!
Amen! My granny always use to say, "This would be a great day for the Lord to return." Blessings to you.
Now that I know what it means, I will say it too! And in the same child induced scenarios, I'm sure. 15 year old learning to drive; Marantha, Lord! 8 year old going on 12; Marantha, Lord, Marantha!
Thank you for the interesting word study!
I have never heard that word so thansk for sharing something new for me :) Great WFW! Have a great day!
I've heard the word all my life but never knew what it meant until today. I love it! Maranatha, indeed! Great WFW post! Love the picture, too.
That verse NEVER fails to thrill me! Just visiting from WFW--
Many days I cry out those words!!
I attended a church named Maranatha once, so I knew the meaning of the name.
I want to long for Him and His soon return, I just need to get real busy and be ready.
Have a blessed WFW!!
PS I've enjoyed all the beautiful blogs you've designed!
~Maranatha~ Beeeatuful word Kelley!
I didn't know the meaning either!
Thanks for sharing this!
Love learning new things! ESPECIALLY GOD THINGS!
Amen and Maranatha! Blessings...
Maranatha Kelley!!! Love the graphic!!! Where did you get it?
or how did you do it? WOW! I guess that's why I don't do WFW just enjoy!
Stop by and visit with me this week... there will be something special waiting for you.
That's beautiful.
Are those flowers from your yard?
Hi Kelley,
This is such a beautiful picture and precious verse! What a blessed hope! Oh how wonderful to be in the presence of the Lord and enjoy His eternal love. Thanks for sharing with us.
I thank God that He enables us to meet through Word-Filled Wednesday. I am encouraged by your post.
I am thankful to God that I can meet you and many others through blogging. I am in the midst of listing out blogging friends that I like to share 2 awards with. I have included your blog as well. I like to share these Sharing The Love Award and Friendship Award with you. Do come over and receive them when you have time. You can save the images and upload them to your side bars or posts. And feel free to pass them to your blogging buddies. Take care and God bless you and family always!
With appreciation and prayers,
I thought I left you a comment yesterday, but guess I didn't. I was cracking up reading this after hearing you say it on the phone the other day. "Maranatha Lord, Maranatha!" :)
Love ya,
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