Today I would like to take an opinion poll........
Have you read the book "The Shack" and if so what did you think of it?
I read it earlier in the summer and although I wouldn't say it was the best book I ever read, as far as the writing goes, for some reason I found myself thinking about it a lot. Mostly I was fascinated with the nature of God that it depicted.
After I read it I recommended it to several friends and family members but now I have heard of some people who didn't like it at all. So I am just curious; what is your opinion (if you have one).
And if you haven't read The Shack, what book have you read recently that you would recommend?On another note, in the never-ending drama to find a new school for my daughter we had door #2 close on us this week. We had put in a transfer request to another school in our district only to discover that school is full and closed to transfers. God must have a very specific plan as to where He wants her to go and He is not going to let us mess it up.
I am praying we hit the jackpot with door #3 (whatever that may be....). Thank God that He gives us unlimited chances and Thank You for your prayers in this journey!
These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things....
1 year ago
Sorry. Haven't read The Shack. I can only imagine how hard it is waiting for God to reveal His plan for your daughter. Praying. You seem to be doing well resting in His care and keeping the faith! Hugs!
I tried to read that book because I did read Pilgrim's Progress and it was compared to it. In my personal opinion, it was no Pilgrims Progress, and I didn't finish it.
Besides...there are way too many lovely blogs to read!♥
I have a hold on The Shack at the library. I'm fascinated by the fact that it was self-published and doing so well (if I remember correctly).
I read Water For Elephants this summer and was completely entranced by it. It was so well-written I kept having to remind myself that I hadn't actually been to the circus recently.
Keep trusting God for your daughter's school. It's tough though, when the answer doesn't come quickly.
I did not like the Shack. I know many do, but for me as I read it I felt like I was so dishonoring God. The world tries so hard to place Him just so....and there are things that we will not know this side of heaven.
I'm honestly not understanding why the Christian "market" has it for sale. opinion.
Now...I would HIGHLY recommend the yada yada prayer group FICTION series. What a delight and I truly grew hungrier for God from this series.
PS: it is not my intention to offend anyone, but Kelley asked for opinions.
I have not read The Shack. I saw it in out local secular bookstore in the Christian section, but for some reason, it didn't appeal to me. Then I heard so many things for it....then against it. Something just doesn't set well with me regarding this book. When I get those feelings, I tend to listen and stay away. Not that it's a bad book mind you, but for some reason, I don't think I'm supposed to read it.
As for what I would recommend, I loved the Ashley Stockingdale Series by Kristin Billerbeck and the Yada Yada Series by Neta Jackson.
Prayers and blessings!
I haven't read the Shack but have seen and heard it advertised a lot lately. I would recommend The Transformation of the Inner Man by John and Paula Sandford. It is an older book but has helped me so much with inner healing. For example, like recognizing that some of the things that I struggle with currently can be related to personal experiences in the past while I was growing up (a wounded spirit per say). They also can be sin issues in my life. It gave me a whole new view and refreshing perspection of what Jesus did on the cross for me and the power of His blood. I highly recommend it.
I know the Lord has great plans for your daughter's school. Keep trusting. I will say a prayer.
I also wanted to recommend Who Switched off My Brain by Dr. Caroline Leaf. She talks about faith and fear. She says that they can not coincide together. You either make a decision out of faith or fear. Where faith is fear can not be and visa versa. She also explains how we only have two and fear and all other stems from those two. She explains how our health can be affected badly by our thoughts. She gives scientific proof. It's pretty cool.
The Transformation of the Inner Man also helped me realize the deep love that Jesus has for me and helped me realize that I have been believing lies about myself and the Lord.
Can you tell I'm pretty passionate about these two book!:)
Have a great weekend!
Sorry to hear about another door closing. That must be disappointing and unnerving. Let me encourage you to trust in the Lord for his wisdom and timing. He is never late, rather just in time. Also, remember our heavenly father loves your daughter and is concerned for her more than you ever could be. He will show up in a mighty way for you and her more importantly.
I haven't read The Shack... I have picked it up several times ...but didn't. I too am curious if it is worth reading?
I have read Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers is based on the book of Hosea and Beyond the Clouds by Karen Kingsbury. I could hardly put these books down. Actually, Beyond the Clouds I read in one day! I also have read the
1st book of the Yada Yada Prayer Group series. I love to read.
Praying for God to reveal the direction in the school for your daughter.
Keep pressing on,
Kelley, I read The Shack. In fact, I am re-reading it to see how it strikes me the second time.
Oh, also, I'm reading The Bible in 90 Days (taking me longer than 90 days but am moving right along), 90 Minutes in Heaven, What Happens When Women Walk in Faith and one of the Left Behind books, The Rapture. Did I mention I'm a booklover?
Praying God's best for your daughter. Wherever He leads ya'll to send her to school will be where she should be. *Hugs*
I just found your blog :).
I bought the home...felt an urge to just throw it away...and I did. All without ever opening it to read it. The book doesn't give me a good feeling...and I don't think it is something I would reccommend to anyone. I threw it away so I wasn't passing it on to anyone else.
Haven't read "The Shack", but have heard very mixed reviews. Can't recommend anything else...the only thing I've read this summer has been blogs.
Still praying for you as you search for what God wants in regards to your daughter and her school situation.
I received the book but haven't had time to even look at it.
The only book I've read lately that I could recommend, and it is not a non-fiction like most have suggest, is "In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day" by Mark Batterson. I hear he has another one out "Goose" something.
Little book filled with great thoughts to ponder about the Christian life. We did a sermon series on it.
I'm sorry to hear of another door closing but I find that will give you reassurance when the right door opens that indeed it is the right door.
I have not read or bought it.
Door #3..what is behind it?? Only God knows.
Keep praying, sweet sister!
Love you,
Hey, Kelley! I will keep praying about your daughter's school situation!! camera is a Kodak Z???? It has its good and bad moments!!
I read THE SHACK not knowing what to expect. I'm having my hubby read it now so we can discuss it! I understand where the negativity is coming from. Once I got past the way Williams portrayed the Trinity--which was very worldly--I was able to read it. I read little bits at the time--pondering over the fiction and how he incorporated the TRUTH into this book. To those who aren't Christians, it may be a way for them to relate. I hope that it will be a stepping stone for them to come to Christ and learn what the real TRUTH is and to realize that this is a work of fiction. I hope that made sense!!! I haven't recommended it to anyone, just asked who has read it!!
The Yada Yada Prayer Group series is fabulous! Just read it in chrono. order!!!
Love you!
I'm a huge Francine Rivers fan. I just finished her Trilogy The Mark of the Lion series. I've read her Redeeming Love, Sons of Encouragement Series and her Women of Faith Series. Love them all!
I haven't read The Shack.
I haven't read The Shack, but I want to soon. I am just about to finish The Witness by Dee Henderson and I am loving it! I don't want to put it down unless I have to (I have to alot) and I look for opportunities to just squeeze in a section of a chapter!
Still praying for answers to come regarding school for your daughter. "Third times a charm."
Hi Kelley, I was wondering how old is Lilly and have you considered home schooling her?
I have heard and read alot about The Shack, and I didn't like what I heard about how God was depicted. But my daughter got a copy for her birthday and if she reads it (she's 19) then I will so we can discuss it.
I generally stay away from things that have given red-flags to discerning believers.
Hey Kelley, I haven't read "The Shack", but I do have it here and plan on reading it. We couldn't keep it in the store - huge demand for it.
Don't be discouraged by another closed door. Every time God says 'no', He's making way for a greater 'yes'.
Trusting Him with you,
Kelley-I am sorry about the closing doors for your daughters school. I am praying for you in this.
I haven't read this book...I am especially fond of "No Other God's" by Kelly Minter which I am doing a e-mail bible study about opening doors!!
In His Graces~Pamela
Read The Shack quite awhile ago and enjoyed it. I also have since re-read it after seeing the author on Life Today.
So many are up in arms that it is not doctrinally sound. Well, it is fiction after all. What I loved about it was that it made me realy take a look at how I have put God in a box of my perceptions.
I probably would not give this book to someone who is not a believer, but that is just my opinion.
Praying God reveals what door you are to walk through and soon.
I read The Shack when Amy read it in a day and said it was the best book she had ever read and that it changed her life. I didn't have the same opinion. I'm like you. It was okay. I had a hard time getting over the whole "incident." I can't read books or watch movies like that. But I will say it has made me think. And there are many concepts in there I have returned to months after reading the book. It is definitely worth reading.
I know God has something in store for your daughter. I am still praying for you.
I'm currently reading it, but about mid-way through, my interest peaked and has now diminished. That being said, I will finish it.
I don't want to post too many thoughts at this point, nor do I want to diminish the impact it is having on so many.
The jury's still out over here, as if my opinion really matters anyway. What matters is God's opinion. And for that, we should measure the message of the "Shack" against the truth of God's holy Word.
I thought of another wonderful series that I would LOVE to re-read.
Gods and Kings by Lynn Austin!
You won't go wrong with this fiction series.
PS: This gave me a deep desire to get into 1 and 2 Kings...OLD TESTAMENT drive kicked in for me, to grasp deeper things.
Hey Kelly,
First, I was sorry to read about your daughter's situation, praying by now, you have found your answer.
God is truly in control.
As far as the Shack, yes I've read it.
I must admit I read many reviews before I opened the book. I went into it cautiously and I must say with a bit of a negative attitude.
Read it in only 2 days.
My first thoughts were WOW. I kept saying "this is FICTION", and was written only by a broken man for his family".
The book is usually loved or hated. I'm kinda in the middle.
I did watch the interview on Life Today was just amazed by the testimony behind it and how God used this book in so many people's lives. He could almost write a book about some of the things he shared on that show! If you haven't seen the interview you must.
Many years ago I read "Hind's Feet On High Places". I read it in one night and went through an entire box of Kleenex. It was literally life changing for me.
The result of that book caused me to yearn for a deeper relationship with Jesus and I fell in love with the book of Song of Solomon!
Years later I found out the woman was totally new age and promoted universalism in this book.
It didn't change the fact the Lord used that book to transform my life.
So, I have recommended it to several people who I believed would benefit, and they loved it.
It has opened up many interesting discussions about the Lord and our relationship to the trinity.
As mature believers, I say eat the meat, leave the bones.
Sorry this was soooooooo long!!
I did read The Shack and I have to say I did not like it, although a lot of people I know just raved about it. Because so many people thought it was so great, I was quite disappointed.
I read The Shack and really enjoyed it. If someone is looking for a book that is based on Scripture, this is not it. The author riases some interesting questions and challenges the main character with regards to his faith. As a fairly new believer, I could really relate to the character. One must read this book with an open mind and simply enjoy the story for what it is! I recently returned from a mission trip to Guatemala - our team leader had given each of us a copy of this book to read before we left. Prior to receiving the book, I had not heard of it. I think it's worth reading. It's a quick and fairly light read.
Hi Kelly,
I loved reading "The Shack", so much so, I read it within 48 hours. I also had the opportunity to see the author on Life Today and was moved by his testimony. It's a fictional read that touched me deeply. Definitely not in a negative way, but in a way that left me wanting to draw even closer to God. I like the metaphor of the "The Shack" and how so many of us must at one point go back, as the character in the book did, to our own shack and deal with whatever issue keep us from living a life of grace and redemption that only God can provide. The Life Today website has all three parts of the interview with the author. The third part was very moving when a woman in the audience asked the author how one gets to the shack to be able to finally be free.
Hi Kelley,
Well, I read "The Shack" on the weekend - actually read it in a 24 hour period. Although there were things I disagreed with doctrinly, I still found some pretty profound teachings and was copying out some amazing quotes. I think anyone reading it must remember - it is fiction! The author takes some liberties, but he's not writing it as a piece of non-fiction literature. I was deeply touched by some of the book and I think the emphasis he places on personal relationship with God is wonderful.
My sisters are both going to read it now so I can't wait to hear their opinions.
Hope you've had a good day!
Love & prayers,
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