What I neglected to say in my last post was that I wouldn't be able to attend the State Cup semi final game due to another commitment. Although it was going to kill me to miss Cece's game, there was another girl and another game that demanded my attendance.
Last night was Sophie's end of season soccer party and that included the much anticipated "moms vs. daughters" soccer game.
I was a mom who desperately wanted to be in two places at once, but I knew no one else could take my place in this game. I thought of asking my Mom to play for me but figured that might not be a good idea since she just had her appendix removed (just kidding, LOL). Besides Sophie had been looking forward to "beating my pants off" for weeks and it wouldn't be the same to "pound" Grandma. No, there was no way I could let her down.
Then a miracle happened. Cece's game was postponed to Friday afternoon because of wet field conditions from Tuesday night's rain! Not only would I be able to play in the mother/daughter game, now I could go to Cece's game on Friday as well.
I just love when God shows up and works out my problems like that!!
So last night was all about Sophie! We played a "friendly" game of soccer (she seems fully recovered from the "accidental collision" we had on the soccer field) and we enjoyed lots of good food, fun and friends.
Now to show you how truly humble I am (LOL) I will post some pictures from the evening's festivities:
Me learning to head the ball (warning: this hurts if you don't do it right!), I told you this was humbling.....
Moms and their girls (Sophie and I are on the far left)......
Sophie and Coach Mandy (we think the world of them both).......
Oh yeah, the final score was MOMS=2 & GIRLS=3. Beaten by a bunch of 8 yr. olds, it's the story of my life!!
These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things....
1 year ago
He is a God of details. Great pics. So glad it all worked out for you! God is SO good!
My heart broke for you when I first read this. I can't imagine being torn between the events of two children.
Praise God. He is GOOD, huh?! What a beautiful blessing indeed.
Oh, and you lose weight? Yeah right. You don't need to, you look thin.
Way to go MOM!!! I LOVED the pictures!!
I think your girls got their soccer talent from you from the looks of things.
Great job Mom.
This was so kewel! Thank-you for sharing. You look great by the way!!! I'm so glad the Lord seen your heart and prepared the way. Our Father is good like that isn't He?
I need you to pop over to my place. I have a surprise for you. Send me an e-mail if you don't receive one from me.
God Bless you Kelley!
It is grand when God shows up to grant us the desires of our hearts! AWESOME! :)
I'm proud you got out there with your daughter and played. That is the type of relationship I want with my daughter as she grows up.
By the way, you look great girl! So athletic!
Prayers and Blessings!
This post made me smile! Love how God worked out all the details. I know the pull on a heart to be in two places at once.
A header...I'm so impressed! Were you a soccer player growing up? I was a hard core soccer girl myself.
Too fun!! Praise God it all worked out!! Sounds like fun too!
In His Graces~Pamela
I have enjoyed reading through some of your posts. I read through several and discovered you are from Kansas. I am also from Kansas and will be attending the She Speaks conference in a few weeks as well. I thought it might be nice to know of someone close to home. I thought we could introduce ourselves before the conference...find out how close we actually live, what airport and flight, etc. I am really looking forward to the conference!
I can be reached at kgadgal@hotmail.com
How fun! Isn't it Grand when God works these things out?
Thank you so much for the kind words, but mostly for the prayers, especially for Jan.
Our God is BIG. A lot bigger than any cancer. So, we are standing in our faith. It sure helps to have friends stand with us praying as well.
Enjoy Friday evening!
You are such a great mom!!! These are the good old days. Enjoy every moment! Thanks for sharing the pictures!
Angie xoxo
p.s. Hope your weekend isn't too crazy!
God is truly awesome, isn't He Kelley?? Leave it to Him to work things out like that.
You have a lot more nerve than I do... playing against the daughters. I wouldn't even dream of getting out there and doing that. They would have to carry me off of the field.
Thanks so much for sharing this great story with us. Lynn
You "big girls" hung in there, I'm impressed!!!
How COOL is it that God knows the secret desires of our heart and tweaks it all so that we KNOW HE heard our hearts!!
oh, the head kick pic....that is one for the books!!:)
Have a great weekend!
I love when He shows off like that!!! You look good playing soccer~way to go to both of you! :) I too hate having to choose so I'm so glad He worked out all the details. Loved your choice though before He intervened.
Reminds me of Valeries story of the canisters she bought and thought they were 30% off & the clerk told her they were 50% off! He's just so awesome!!!
Love ya,
I cannot believe we are this close to going to She Speaks!!!!!!
God is SO good! Don't you just love that?! Thank you for sharing these pics. I have to tell you, you look right at home on that soccer field...certainly no little wimp would try head butting the ball! ; )
I loved the pictures with this post.
now that is so cool!!
Wow, what a beatiful soccer mom you are!!
Go Kelly♥
I enjoyed looking at these pictures and I can tell you really enjoyed playing in this game. Glad to hear God came through and you were able to attend both.
Congratulations to the 8 year olds. Now you won't catch me trying to head the ball.
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