The two teenagers have returned from the beach conference and the pace of life has picked back up around here.They did strengthen friendships within their youth group and enjoyed the teaching that was presented so I suppose the trip was a success. The question now is, "how to keep the flame of faith burning while returning to every day life?" But then, that is a question we all must work through!
The school issue for Lilly still hasn't been finalized. We did have one door close today but we are still praying for God's direction as we try to make a decision as to which high school she should attend next year.
Monday was the last night of my "Slightly Bad Girls" bible study.
Like the other "Bad Girls" books, this one is very good and I highly recommend it. I am grateful that thousands of years later we can still learn lessons from the "imperfect" women of the bible! God's grace covered them and it is what I am clinging to today!
I look forward to the day I can talk with Sarah, Rebekah, Leah and Rachel. Won't those be some interesting conversations???
The highlight of my week so far was Monday night when Lelia came to visit! Her son had to catch an early flight out of Kansas City so she spent the night at my house. I loved introducing my family to one of my blogging friends (I told you they are real people!!).
Unfortunately, she had to leave far too quickly but she promises to come back soon and stay longer. Meanwhile I got a much needed baby fix from her granddaughter Amiyah....
I also spent some time outside this week with my camera where I captured my neighbors' sunflowers. They are so majestic looking, some stand over 8 FT tall! They are also the State flower of Kansas. So this is my offering for Word Filled Wednesday this week....
Be sure to look for more photo/scripture encouragement here.
These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things....
1 year ago
I'm so glad you have gotten to spend time with a "real-life" blogging friend.:)
One of mine is coming to visit me Sunday, and I am so excited. I feel like I've known her since third grade.
I have read the first two Bad Girls books, and I loved them. I have the one you just finished sitting here in my "to read pile.":)
I could definitely go for a baby fix myself.
When I am done with all of this bedrest, I hope that I can help out in the church nursery for a while......I loooooove holding those babies.:)
I also wanted to tell you that your post yesterday was awesome! I loved all of God's Words along with the true habits of a lion. That was incredible!
God Bless,
Real blogging friend came to your house.... how cool is that.
Your children are beautiful. I am praying for a solution to the high school situation!
Have a great day.
So glad you got to spend that precious time with Leila. It's always great to connect with online friends in real life. All the kids are precious in the pics, yours and hers...lovely photo and verse for WFW, too. Be watching the mail. I'm getting something out to you today! *Hugs*
Wow...I would love to see one of those 8-foot sunflowers in person. I love sunflowers. I love flowers.
We are doing the Bad Girls book in SS but we are not using the book. I wish we were as I think we are missing a lot.
Thanks for all the photos.
Hey Kelly,
Great scripture and I just loved the OTHER pictures as well.
I'm so blessed God allowed you and Lelia's lives to cross and the special friendship He's blessed you guys with.
I'll be praying for wisdom and guidance concerning your daughter and the school situation.
I'll also pray those flames keep BURNING BRIGHTLY for Jesus!!
Now about the sunflowers, guess what? I used to be totally AFRAID of them as a little girl!!
I just like them in pictures now.
Hi Kelley,
How I loved this post! Know that I'm continuing to pray for your two teens.
I'm keeping that Bible study recommendation in mind for the girls of my office study. The timelessness of scripture completely astounds me. = )
I love that you and Lelia were able to get together again. Looks like it was an awesome, awesome time!
Awesome photo and scripture for WFW! You're right...sunflowers are in a class by themselves! Beautiful!
Tracy = )
P.S. Maybe it's just me, but your link on Amydeanne's site for WFW didn't seem to be working...
Hey, Kelley!
So glad that you and Lelia had fun together! The pics were great! Some of my bloggy friends that I met at She Speaks live way far away! Three hours wouldn't get me there!
Glad that your family is back home safely. I, too, will continue to pray for wisdom and guidance for y'all.
The Bible study that you're finishing sounds great. I'll have to look into that one.
Love ya,
Oh, all the kids are just beauties. Well, except Jake, he's handsome! :) Love the lips on baby girl! If I suck on a lime slice will my lips look like that??? :)
What a blessing your visit was! Praying for your family...know that the Lord will work out all the details on the school issue. A door closed is an answer, yes? The sunflower is gorgeous!
Hey there Miss Kelley!
I continue to pray for the situation of school, daughter and keepin that GOD FIRE BURNING! I remember when my boys came home from camp they were so fired up... and remember how we had to keep fanning the flame with more n more of God. God's will be done!!!!
How great for you and Lelia. I am so glad you introduced us, she's WONDERFUL! I am LOVING THE BIBLE STUDY... I bought the book from Prov 31 and still need to blog it. I've had to play catchUP!
You are such a blessing to me.
Hope you know that!
Blessings to you sweet one.
How exciting for you and Lelia to spend time together in your home.
And a beach conference? How great for your teens!
I like the picture of the sunflower - very talented.
How fun!! I'm so jealous that you got to hold Amiyah. She is so beautiful!!
Praying God directs you as decisions are being made for your teens futures. You know, He will not let you down!
Have a great week!
How cool is that, that you were able to spent time with a "blog-friend"! I looks like you gals had a GREAT TIME!!!
So glad to hear the kids made it home, safe and sound.
Know that I'm praying about the school situation!!! God has the PERFECT place!!!
I'm jealous... I want us all to visit again too. It was so much fun meeting both of you at She Speaks. I haven't been by much because of camp and our crazy summer schedule but I've left you an award over at my site. Come by for a visit.
Hey Kelley - it's good to hear from you again!
Love ya!
Alivia & is still talking about our visit to Miss Kelley's house! She just loved those girls!!
Thank you again my dear friend. The thing I love most about being 'real life friends' with you is that everytime we talk I feel closer to God. You are awesome Kelley! Know I'm praying about Lilly's school. God will put her right where He wants her. Trust in that & remember not to lean on your own understanding of the placement if it's not where you think she should be. Father knows best. :)
Love you,
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